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IX International Tartu Early Music Festival

The main themes of IX International Tartu Early Music Festival are music and motion and the comparison of monophonic and polyphonic music in different cultures.

Tartu Early Music Festival has since its beginning focused on the comparative analysis of early European and Oriental cultures. Although the connection has generally eluded common perception, we can actually find surprisingly many interesting parallels and similarities between the Oriental and European medieval music. The organisers have also been trying to tap the most archaic layers from the Oriental music cultures that to a large extent have fortunately been preserved as living traditions.

One of our most celebrated performers this year is Takashi Tokuyama, a bamboo flute master from Japan. Takashi Tokuyama represents the old style of shakuhachi playing that has never been heard in Estonia before. Our more distant guests also include the song and dance ensemble ?Rising Moon in the Forest' from China, Ashok Kumar Mehta (bamboo flute) and Manoj Kumar Dubey (vocals) from India as well as the Swiss ensemble Peregrina which specializes in early vocal polyphony. The festival also features musicians and dancers from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Although Chinese music has already been performed during the previous festivals, Chinese traditional dances will most certainly be seen here for the first time. The yogic dance performed by Arnis SilinÅ¡, Latvian professional dancer, choreographer and yogi, will also certainly be very interesting.

Raho Langsepp
Artistic director of Tartu Early Music Festival


XXIX International Festival ORIENT et OCCIDENT Vol. 1


The mounument project of Georg Hackenschmidt has approved some final details


 The monument of G. Hackenschmidt


Taiji Yang style trainings 


FA Schola presents:
CD "Music from the Time of Marco Polo"


FA Schola presents:
CD "The Sound of
Medieval Flute"