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Monday, Oct 1
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Friday, Oct 5
Saturday, Oct 6
Sunday, Oct 7
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XII International Tartu Early Music Festival
October 1-7, 2007

Festival tickets can be purchased from ?Piletimaailm' ticket offices all over Estonia, from the website www.piletimaailm.com as well as at concert hall entrances starting an hour before the scheduled beginning time.

Information: helena at festivitas dot ee , +372 56568097 (Helena Uleksin)

Organizer: Concert Agency Festivitas Artium
Artistic director: Raho Langsepp


XXIX International Festival ORIENT et OCCIDENT Vol. 1


The mounument project of Georg Hackenschmidt has approved some final details


 The monument of G. Hackenschmidt


Taiji Yang style trainings 


FA Schola presents:
CD "Music from the Time of Marco Polo"


FA Schola presents:
CD "The Sound of
Medieval Flute"