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IV Tartu Early Music Festival 9-16 May 1999

We can observe ties between the musical traditions of different countries and cultures by looking at the facts which history has brought down to us, we can make guesses, speculate and arrive at the truth, at least for us and discover that truth resides somewhere where facts and suppositions and interpretation begin because the facts come to life the moment we invest them with meaning for ourselves and other people. The range of vision, which accompanies the mastering of a new musical culture, is impossible to achieve without a thorough immersion in that culture. When compared to modern times, Medieval Europe was culturally much more open, both in the form and content (despite wars art has always lived a life of its own). So there is nothing strange in finding, for example, in Spanish music organic ties with Arab and Jewish culture or in using the methods of Indian classical music when studying medieval instrumental music today.

The main theme of this year's festival - comparing traditional Oriental cultures and European medieval music - will bring to Tartu interesting and outstanding musicians. Musical contrasts from Spain are demonstrated by groups Al Tarab from Marocco and Sepharad from Spain. Spanish music can be found as a dominant theme in the programmes of most of the groups.

We will also have a wonderful opportunity of hearing classical Indian music and seeing how the rules of this perfectly developed culture can be used in playing European medieval music. Ken Zuckerman, from Schola Cantorum Basiliensis, is definitely a most outstanding specialist who knows thoroughly both European medieval music and Indian classical music. Being one of the most gifted students of the famous master Ustad Ali Akbar Khan, he is one of the most well known sarod players in the world. At the concert he is accompanied by an Indian top tabla player Anindo Chatterjee.

We are most happy to welcome our old friends ALBA from Denmark and recorder virtuoso Dan Laurin from Sweden. We are also extremely glad to have Musica Antiqua Köln from Germany. Besides Estonian early music players we expect guests from Russia and Finland. As usual, we will have lectures and master classes during the festival.

Our festival courtyard at the Püssirohukelder Restaurant will again contribute to the festival milieu. In the daytime a handicrafts fair will be held outside and in the evenings the interior will offer a pleasant atmosphere to relax in. At the festival cafélive music will be heard, not only early music but also older Estonian folk music. A novel thing this year is the Observatory Concert every night in the foyer of the Tartu Observatory which stands at the place where our ancestors castle stood more than a thousand years ago.

Happy enjoyment of the festival!

Raho Langsepp
Artistic director of the festival


XXIX International Festival ORIENT et OCCIDENT Vol. 1


The mounument project of Georg Hackenschmidt has approved some final details


 The monument of G. Hackenschmidt


Taiji Yang style trainings 


FA Schola presents:
CD "Music from the Time of Marco Polo"


FA Schola presents:
CD "The Sound of
Medieval Flute"