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Thursday, Sept 25

14.00 Lecture
From Kabir to Tagore - the link between
word and music in North-Indian spiritual tradition
Kakoli Sengupta (India)
Festival Club, 6 Veski St

18.00 Concert
Ragas and Devotional Songs
Kakoli Sengupta (India)
Kabir poetry readings by the poetess Doris Kareva (Estonia)
University of Tartu Ceremonial Hall
Entrance: 50/75 EEK

21.00 Concert
Songs of the Troubadours
GĂ©rard Zuchetto and Troubadours Art Ensemble (France)
Festival Club, 6 Veski St
Entrance: 50/75 EEK

After concert: Festival Club, 6 Veski St
Improvisation hour
Supervised by Kakoli Sengupta (India)

00.00 Midnight concert
FA Schola (University of Tartu, Estonia)
13th-14th Century Italian Music
Tartu Roman Catholic Church
Free entrance

Friday, Sept 26

14.00 Lecture
Trob´ Art Concept - Art of the Troubadours
GĂ©rard Zuchetto (France)
Festival Club, 6 Veski St

18.00 Concert
Occitan Troubadour Music of the 12th-13th Centuries
GĂ©rard Zuchetto and Troubadours Art Ensemble (France)
University of Tartu Ceremonial Hall
Entrance: 50/75 EEK

21.00 Concert
Melodies of Wind Serenity
Windblown songs from Kalevala and various places around the world
Mikk and Heno Sarv with the ensemble "Tuulemuusikud" (Estonia)
Festival Club, 6 Veski St
Entrance: 50/75 EEK

After concert: Festival Club, 6 Veski St
Improvisation hour
Supervised by Mikk Sarv

00.00 Midnight concert
Triskele (Estonia)
Estonian Folk Hymns
Tartu Roman Catholic Church
Free entrance

Saturday, Sept 27

12.00 Lecture
Guqin and Historically Informed Performances of Early Chinese Music
John Thompson (USA)
Festival Club, 6 Veski St

16.00 Concert
Songs of Praise and Devotion from Medieval Spain,
England, Russia and Byzantium

Universalia in Re (Russia)
Festival Club, 6 Veski St
Entrance: 50/75 EEK

19.00 Concert
Chinese Early Music from Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)

John Thompson (USA) - guqin
University of Tartu Ceremonial Hall
Entrance: 50/75 EEK

22.00 Closing Banquet
Festival Club, 6 Veski St
Entrance: 200 EEK

 XXVIII Festival ORIENT et OCCIDENT 18.11.2023 - 14.12.2023 in Tallinnas, Narva, Valga & Ihamaru


The mounument project of Georg Hackenschmidt has approved some final details


 The monument of G. Hackenschmidt


Taiji Yang style trainings 


FA Schola presents:
CD "Music from the Time of Marco Polo"


FA Schola presents:
CD "The Sound of
Medieval Flute"